Organizational Politics As Experienced In Different Organizational Structures: An Exploration of How Organizational Structure Can Impact the Political Experience of Executive Management

Organizational Politics As Experienced In Different Organizational Structures: An Exploration of How Organizational Structure Can Impact the Political Experience of Executive Management
Emereo Pty Ltd
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


Человек-Амфибия. Продавец воздуха. Светопреставление, Ледяной ад. Капитан Сорвиголова, Матиас Шандор, Фанфан-Тюльпан, Пограничный легион. Рассказы, Алые паруса. Блистающий мир. Золотая цепь, Робинзон Крузо, Робин Гуд. Новеллы, Долина молчаливых призраков. Скованные льдом сердца. Золотая петля, Пионеры, или У истоков Сосквеганны. Вайандоте, или Хижина на холме, Наследники Виннету, Перст судьбы. Сигнал бедствия. Вождь герильясов. Отважная охотница, или Дочь скваттера, Остров сокровищ. Принц Отто, Крестоносцы. В 2-х томах, Принцесса Баальбека, Твердая рука. Карденио


Behavioral theory premises that a correlation exists between a defined set of factors and how individuals behave in their work environments. Recently, a significant shift in work structures has transpired. Traditionally, work was concentrated in formal, structured, hierarchical constructs. Today, however, the trend is a movement towards less formalized, unstructured work environments such as virtual organizations. This book explores how the organizational behavioral dynamic of power/politics may differ across traditional and virtual organizational structures. It explores this concept both from a theoretical viewpoint and in a research study using executives with experience in both organizational constructs. It concludes that a potential relationship between components of organizational structure and the way the power/politic dynamic is exhibited and perceived does exist. However, although current theory and literature would lead to an expectation that the political experience would be...

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