Parenting Practices of Lesbian Mothers

Parenting Practices of Lesbian Mothers
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The number of lesbians raising children has increased significantly over the last decade. Estimates of lesbian and gay parents range from 6 to 14 million, leading to a new area of social science research. Much of the research on lesbians raising children used samples of women who conceived children in heterosexual relationships and is aimed at proving that children are not harmed as a result of having a lesbian parent. Studies investigating these claims found that children reared by lesbian mothers are as well adjusted physically, emotionally, and intellectually as children reared by heterosexual parents. Although children of lesbian parents are no more likely to become gay or lesbian, they are nevertheless members of the gay community. There is little research indicating how lesbian parents negotiate within this cultural framework and how they prepare their children to deal with possible prejudice and teasing or bullying. Because lesbian parents must teach their children how to...

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Год: 2002