Petroleum Reservoir Characterization

Petroleum Reservoir Characterization
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A new method of determining interwell connectivity by constraint multivariate linear regression using multi-well test pressure data was developed. Communication between injectors and producers in a waterflood is represented by interwell connectivity coefficients. The results can be used to detect permeability barriers, permeability trends and anisotropy properties. A pseudo-steady state flow solution for a well in a multi well system was used to model the interwell connectivity test. The model was verified using synthetic reservoir models. The total reservoir porosity can be estimated. Application of the technique to naturally fractured reservoir represented by dual porosity system was also presented with different cases of reservoir heterogeneities. Results for reservoirs with the presence of hydraulically fractured wells, horizontal wells were also analyzed. An analytical model was developed for the existing technique to infer interwell connectivity using production data. The model...

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