Phrasal Reduplication in Syntax

Phrasal Reduplication in Syntax
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This book is an investigation of phrasal reduplication in syntax, primarily in Calabrian and Italian. Two different types of reduplication have been identified:‘plain’ reduplication and reduplication within coordination. It is claimed that both types involve two projections (RedupP and RP), specific to reduplication, in the CP domain. It is also claimed that in the case of reduplication within coordination RP is instantiated by ConjP (Conjunction Phrase). The book is an attempt to establish that reduplication is not just a morphological phenomenon, but that it is also found within syntax. Although other works on syntactic reduplication have been written since the original manuscript was completed, "Phrasal Reduplication in Syntax" still remains valuable in that itsuggests a plausible approach to reduplication and provides data not discussed before.

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