Physics in Biology and Medicine

Physics in Biology and Medicine


Physics in Biology and Medicine НАУКА и УЧЕБА,ЧЕЛОВЕК,ЗДОРОВЬЕ Название: Physics in Biology and Medicine Автор: Paul DavidovitsГод: 2008 г.Страниц: 320 стр.Формат: pdfЯзык: АнглийскийИздание: ACADEMIC PRESS и ELSEVIERРазмер: 7.5 mbВыпуск: 3rd Edition ISВN 978-0-12-369411-9This book furthers our understanding by relating important concepts in physics to living systems. Applications of physics in biology and medicine are emphasized, with no previous knowledge of bioloogy required. The analysis is largely quantitative, but only high-school physics and mathematics are assumed. Underlying basic physics appendices. Biological systems are described in only enough detail for physical analysis.The organization is similar to basic physisics texts: solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynammics, sound, electrocity, optics, and atomic and nuclear physics. A bibliography gives important sourses for further reading.Скачать Physics in Biology and Medicine, 3rd Edition с 85

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