Plastic Cameras: Toying with Creativity

Plastic Cameras: Toying with Creativity
Hal Leonard Corporation
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Томек в стране кенгуру, Приключения Томека на черном континенте, Томек на тропе войны, Томек ищет снежного человека, Таинственное путешествие Томека, Томек среди охотников за человеческими головами, Томек у истоков Амазонки


Take a tour of the burgeoning world of toy cameras and low-tech photography with Plastic Cameras: Toying with Creativity. Whether youre an experienced enthusiast or toy camera neophyte, youll find Plastic Cameras: Toying with Creativity chock full of tantalizing tips, fun facts and, of course, absolutely striking photographs taken with the lowest tech and simplest tools around. I got me a Holga. Now What? Holgas need a little TLC before theyre ready to go out in the world and start snapping. Plastic Cameras: Toying with Creativity digs through all the different Holga models available, lays out thier advantages and quirks and helps you get up to speed on all the prep youll need to do to jump in on the toy-camera revolution. What should I Feed my Holga? Holgas, Dianas, other toy cameras can use many types of film. Plastic Cameras: Toying with Creativity, lays all their pros and cons on the line letting you get some images you want, and some you could just never...

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