Playing The Right Cards: How To Successfully Market Your Small Business or Professional Services

Playing The Right Cards: How To Successfully Market Your Small Business or Professional Services
For Dummies
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


At some point everyone who owns a small business or provides professional services struggles with their marketing. This is usually a result of not having a solid foundation in place that properly supports the business. This book will provide you with a clear, concise overview of marketing that will help you build that foundation. You will learn how to: Overcome both the internal and external barriers to marketing your business. Consistently implement strategies that will build your business. Clearly articulate what you do and who you serve. Build strong, long lasting relationships. Differentiate yourself and your services from the competition. Put systems in place to build a better business. Create the proper mindset for running a business. You will also be introduced to the CARDS System. This system contains the five essential elements for building a successful business.

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