Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction

Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction
Oxford University Press
Поступления - 2009 г. - Январь - Июль


Полотенце с петухом, Крещение поворотом, Стальное горло, Вьюга, Тьма египетская, Пропавший глаз, Звездная сыпь, Морфий, Записки на манжетах, Необыкновенные приключения доктора, Налет (В волшебном фонаре), Богема, Похождения Чичикова, № 13. - Дом Эльпит - Рабкоммуна, Сорок сороков, Ханский огонь, Багровый остров, Дьяволиада, Роковые яйца, Собачье сердце, Белая гвардия


How should we live together in society? Why do we need government at all? What does social justice mean? Political philosophy asks and answers searching questions about the nature and purpose of government that every person needs to consider. In this "Very Short Introduction," David Miller demonstrates the practical importance of political philosophy and explores some of these fundamental issues, asking why democracy is the best form of government and which areas of life should be kept free from political interference. David Miller also examines the new challenges posed by feminism, multiculturalism, and globalization, and questions whether ideals of good government that were first developed in the era of city-states can still have relevance today. Формат: 11 см х 17,5 см.

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