Politics Online: Blogs, Chatrooms, And Discussion Groups In Ameri

Politics Online: Blogs, Chatrooms, And Discussion Groups In Ameri


Обольщение, Дорогая Марла, Плохая киска, Для тебя, Щедрый подарок лета, Капитан, можно?, Силовая игра, Секс-клуб "Опьянение" в Париже, Общаясь языками, Рэп на день рождения, Оставь сообщение, Его руки, Случай в ресторане, Золото, Химия, Неожиданная встреча, Подземка, Лихорадка, У всех на глазах, В дыму Кэмел Лайт, Диско-дрема, Дай мне блеска, Шестой уровень по кински, Настоящая причина, почему я ношу длинные волосы, Мокрая Гвен, Встреча за обедом, Поездка на поезде, Настоящие рыжие, Долгий путь домой, Внутри, Дерн, Отшлепай меня, Медовый месяц, Помощница фокусника, Костюм


For years, social scientists, journalists and media critics have lamented the passing of New England style town meetings and the replacement of public settings that allowed for face to face discussions of the political issues of the day by controlled environments such as the workplace and the mall. In addition, much political "conversation" and discussion has not been participated in but overhead through mediated formats such as talk radio or the television talk show. The consequence of these trends has resulted in much hand wringing over the decline of civic engagement, the rise of public apathy, and a lack of deliberation about the political questions of the day. However, there has been much optimism as of late about a new forum of public political conversation that has emerged in the last decade: electronic discussion. Electronic discussion has been touted as a mechanism for true public discourse. It invites participation by the lay person who can now engage in an open political...

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