Positive Alpha Generation

Positive Alpha Generation
Новые поступления академической литературы издательства Wiley


Successful investing is about generating ideas on the future of financial markets. But it is also about implementing these ideas in portfolios, managing risk, and satisfying investor needs. Dr. Diderich presents tools and techniques to develop investment processes to allow the successful transfer of investment ideas into real performance, that is, positive alpha. The book explains the underlying theoretical concepts and describes how they can be applied in practice. A key focus is put on illustrative real world examples. Dr. Diderich uses the value chain concept as guiding principle to explain the different value–adding stages of an investment process. The book covers process as well as organization aspects related to generating positive alpha. It focuses on different quantitative and qualitative techniques for forecasting markets and taking investment decisions. The author devotes three chapters to riskmanagement. Portfolio construction algorithms, ranging from the classical...

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