Practical Printmaking

Practical Printmaking
Новые поступления. Искусство и фотография


Колобок, Теремок, Курочка Ряба, Зайкина избушка, Лиса и волк, Маша и медведь, Глупый мышонок, Баба-Яга, Зимовье зверей, Бобовое зернышко, Овца, лиса и волк, Кот-воевода, Вершки и корешки, Морозко, Царевна Несмеяна, Волшебное кольцо, Иван Царевич и серый волк, Федот-стрелец, Летучий корабль, Солдат и змей


This book presents an overview of the core printmaking areas: intaglio, lithography, collagraph, monoprinting, relief printing and screenprinting. There are also sections on Health & Safety, Workshop and Studio Space, and Displaying and Storing Prints, as well as a comprehensive glossary and list of suppliers. Separate chapters covering digital printmaking and the use of photography in printmaking ensure that the book is up to date with contemporary practice. Each chapter rounds off with a small gallery section showcasing the work of contemporary printmakers working with the relevant techniques. In each instance, the cheapest and easiest methods for each technique is explained and wherever possible the author covers methods for making prints at home, without the need for expensive equipment and presses. The whole book is filled with step-by-step sequences and clear instructions. The result is an excellent guide for the beginner and useful reference for the intermediate...

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Автор: George Whale
Год: 2003