Psychoanalytical Defense Mechanisms Applied to Autonomous Agents

Psychoanalytical Defense Mechanisms Applied to Autonomous Agents
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The desire to have robots, which act alone, becomes more stronger. The challenge for such robots is that it has the possibility to interpret new situations and to react in unknown situations appropriated, i.e. making decisions. One approach for a decision unit is the technical realization of psychoanalytical models. In his model S. Freud di?ered between the three instances Ego, Id and Superego. The Id:responsible for human drives; the Superego: contains forbiddances, restrictions and demands of parents; the Ego: connection to the outer world, tries to satisfy the drives of the Id by including the conditions of the outer world as well as the forbiddances and restrictions of the Superego. He also used concepts like emotions and feeling, which also in?uences the decision making process. Decision making, which is in?uenced by drives, desires, emotions and feelings, implicates some other problems. A drive, which can not be satis?ed, can in?uences emotions negative. As well this drive can...

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