Quantum information and quantum correlations of single-photon emitters

Quantum information and quantum correlations of single-photon emitters
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This work summarizes investigations on quantum correlations in the fluorescence light of single trapped atoms. The results found have applications in the broad field of quantum information science: it is shown how to overcome classical imaging boundaries using a new developed scheme of quantum imaging, how to project and engineer correlated quantum states in the ground states of multi-level atoms by detecting their fluorescence light and how to prove the quantum nature of these correlations using fundamental tests of quantum information science. Without the need of further introduction to these topics it is interesting to note that all correlations observed are indeed of quantum nature and show in particular entanglement features, while initially the system under consideration is entirely uncorrelated and the only intervention comes along with the measurement process itself. Therefore, this book is embedded into a current field of research activities in the area of quantum information...

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Elite Schooling in Vienna (1870-1910)Elite Schooling in Vienna (1870-1910)
Автор: Julia Komleva
Год: 2010