Real-World Time Management (Worksmart Series)

Real-World Time Management (Worksmart Series)
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


Most of us dream about having a few extra hours in our day for taking care of business, relaxing, or engaging in the activities we most enjoy. But how can we make the most of our time when it seems as though there aren’t enough hours in the day? Thisstructive guide to time management is full of tips, techniques, and commonsense advice that will make anyone more productive. In this newly updated edition of Real-World Time Management, Michael Dobson includes invaluable tips on setting priorities, tks for stayingon track, keeping a closed-door policy, avoiding interrupters, and techniques for reducing stress through time management. Readers will also learn how to handle distractions, stop procrastinating, delegate tasks, deal with meetings, and man time effectively while traveling. Instructive and helpful,Real-World Time Management will help all readers organize their time—no matter how hectic their lives may seem.

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