Reassessing Corporate Banking Relationships: Issues, Practices & New Directions #09803

Reassessing Corporate Banking Relationships: Issues, Practices & New Directions #09803
Beard Books
Банковское дело


Introduction: The Austrian Theory in Perspective, The "Austrian" Theory of the Trade Cycle, Money and the Business Cycle, Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure, Can We Still Avoid Inflation?, The Austrian Theory: A Summary


The world of banking is changing, and in this new study from Financial Executives Research Foundation you can get a first-hand look at how financial executives and bankers are redefining the substance and practice of corporate banking relationships. Learn how companies and banks are carving out new parameters for provider-customer relationships, as both sides seek to mutually create value. The author ties together the disparate elements and tensions in the banking industry through case studies of eleven companies and four banks, including Chase Manhattan Corporation, Citibank, Northwest Airlines, The Gillette Company, and more.

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