Reciprocity, Altruism and the Civil Society (Routledge Advances in Game Theory)

Reciprocity, Altruism and the Civil Society (Routledge Advances in Game Theory)
Pearson Education, Addison Wesley
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


Повести покойного Ивана Петровича Белкина, Дубровский, Капитанская дочка


Reciprocity is a term used in a number of conexts, from the ethic of reciprocity as expressed by philosophers such as Confucius and Jesus Christ via social psychology, international relations and cultural anthropology. This book is the first to examine it from an economics perspective. Luigino Bruni examines three forms of reciprocity: reciprocity without benevolence; philia-reciprocity; and unconditional reciprocity. Going back through the writings of thinkers such as Aristotle, Hume as well as modern neoclassical economists, the book represents a challenge to the way contemporary social sciences consider reciprocity. Furthermore, making use of simple evolutionary game theory the author challenges the contraposition between the market reciprocity based on contracts or repeated games and the genuine reciprocity typical of non-market relation based, instead, on gift and other-oriented behavior.

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