Recognizing And Promoting Women’s Right For Sexual Pleasure

Recognizing And Promoting Women’s Right For Sexual Pleasure
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The progressive understanding of poverty include not only economic and material conditions, but also a lack of power, freedom and resources to decide and shape one’s own life. Social and legal norms and economic structures based around sexuality have a tangible impact on people’s physical security, bodily integrity, health, education, mobility and economic status. The expressions for the interwoven relation of poverty and sexuality are many. Many people with ‘deviant’ sexuality are subject to economic discrimination, leading to marginalization that has effect of reducing their livelihood opportunities. In this Publication the links between women’s sexual rights and poverty in the African context is explored . It illustrates how the lack of protection and recognition of women’s sexual rights as understood in the African context can be the cause and consequences of poverty. The publication provides arguments as to how addressing sexual rights of women in poverty alleviation programmes...

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