Reminiscences of a Pioneer (Classic Reprint)

Reminiscences of a Pioneer (Classic Reprint)
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REMINISCENCES OF A PIONEER CHAPTER I. FAREWELL TO THE OLD SOUTHERN HOME. I HAVE often wondered, when viewing a modern passenger coach, with iLs palace cars. its sleeping and dining cars, if those vvho cross the "Great American Desert," from the Mississippi to the Pacific in four days, realize. the hardships, dangers and privations of the Arognauts of fifty-eight years ago. The "Plains" were then an unbroken wilderness of three thousand miles, inhabited by hordes of wild Indians, and not too friendly to the white man journeying through his country. The trip then required careful preparation^-oxen, wagons, provisions, arms and ammunition must be first of all provided. These were essentials, and woe to the hapless immigrant who neglected these provisions. To be stranded a thousand miles from the "Settlements" was a fate none but the most improvident and reckless cared to hazard. It is to recount some of the trials, adventures, hardships, privations, as I remember them, that theTable of...

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