Risk Based E-Business Testing

Risk Based E-Business Testing
Edward Elgar Publishing
Мир маркетинга


Стихи и сказки, Айболит, Бармалей, Крокодил (Части 1, 3), Телефон, Тараканище, Мойдодыр, Муха-Цокотуха, Топтыгин и Луна, Чудо-дерево, Что сделала Мура, когда ей прочли сказку "Чудо-дерево", Краденое солнце, Путаница, Федорино горе, Закаляка, Елка, Скрюченная песня, Котауси и Мауси, Загадки и отгадки


This hands-on guide for business, project and test managers and test practitioners presents an effective approach for using risk to construct test strategies for e-business systems. Using an easily-learned risk-analysis technique, it teaches you how to use risk to select and prioritize test methods for e-business projects. This innovative resource shows you how to select test techniques to address business risks and integrate them into a coherent test process. The book presents twenty-four test techniques that address failure modes found in web applications. Grouped into seven categories, they are organized to make test strategy development easy. Each chapter has a comprehensive list of references to papers, books and web resources. The book provides you with guidelines for post-deployment monitoring of availability, performance, security and site integrity. It includes an overview of eight most important tool types with guidelines for selection and implementation. What?

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