Runtime Management for 2D Self Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems

Runtime Management for 2D Self Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems
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Reconfigurable systems, such as FPGAs, can change their configuration according to user needs. Recent FPGAs support advanced features: partial reconfiguration, dynamic reconfiguration, self reconfiguration and 2D reconfiguration. 2D Self partial and dynamical reconfiguration is a powerful approach, allowing flexibility and high performance, but causes a significant increase in the complexity of reconfigurable systems management. The main concern of the work described in this book is to provide solutions to support this reconfiguration approach. In particular, the goal involves the definition of suitable area constraints for Cores that will be configured on the reconfigurable device and the creation of an efficient allocation manager to perform placement choices at runtime. The first aspect includes the choice of a shaping policy, to define reasonable area constraints for Cores. The second aspect includes management of the empty space inside the reconfigurable fabric and exploitation...

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