Seasonal Variability of Water Mass Properties in Bass Strait

Seasonal Variability of Water Mass Properties in Bass Strait
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The seasonal cycle of water mass variation and transformation in Bass Strait is investigated using a three-dimensional ?-coordinate hydrodynamic model and data from observations and previous studies. Lagrangian and Eulerian tracer methods are developed to derive transport timescales, such as age, residence times and flushing times that are relevant to studies of climate, marine ecosystems and anthropogenic environmental impacts. Timescales are principally used as a diagnostic tool to examine and summarize model simulations. Uncertainty in model results and observations is quantified to validate the findings and conclusions of the study. The study extends knowledge of physical oceanography in the region by presenting information on the seasonal circulation and overall exchange processes governing renewal of Strait waters. It also provides a basis for future work understanding the response of Bass Strait to climate change.

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