Seeking Goodness and Beauty : The Use of the Arts in Theological Ethics

Seeking Goodness and Beauty : The Use of the Arts in Theological Ethics
Top Shelf Productions
История и критика


Возникновение биосферы, Размерность пространства в микромире, Асимметрия и возникновение жизни, Динамическая нестабильность воды, Биогенная нефть, Дно океана, Феномен близнецов, Миграции индоевропейцев, Призвание варягов, Преодоление язычества, Страх, Три кризиса Розанова, Физика духа


Book DescriptioniSeeking Goodness and Beauty The Use of the Arts in Theological Ethicsi offers the reader a unique and innovative perspective on questions of ethics and how we can incorporate the human experience of the Arts to best live and teach the moral life. Art and aesthetic experiences transcend borders and engage us rationally, emotionally, and sensually. Novels, film, autobiography, and music can all contribute to the moral formation of good character and virtue as well as to the skill of discerning right action by developing imagination, shaping moral vision, tutoring the emotions, or guiding the process of moral discernment. iSeeking Goodness and Beautyi brings together theory and practice in an approachable, engaging manner and offers methodsof pedagogy to encourage the use of the arts in moral education.

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