Selling Yoga: A Handbook for the Ultimate Yoga Business Professional

Selling Yoga: A Handbook for the Ultimate Yoga Business Professional
Kaplan Publishing
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


Калека, Постоянный пациент, Желтая маска, Неудачная мистификация, Роковая тайна


?Selling Yoga? is an income-producing system that was created to help yoga instructors and yoga studio owners in the industry improve their ability to mature and expand in the business. This book was written in a basic form from information that has been tried, tested and enhanced. Many books have been written on how to implement an effective way to become successful in business many books may cover the latest and newest when it comes to starting a business. This book, however, actually teaches real techniques used by the most successful operators in the yoga industry. These proven techniques have escalated the experts to the top of their game, on the business side! It?s one thing to be able to teach innovative and exotic classes, but to become powerful and successful with your own business in yoga is the ultimate goal and what you will learn in this book.

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