Service Leadership: The Quest for Competitive Advantage

Service Leadership: The Quest for Competitive Advantage
An Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers
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С прискорбием извещаем, Если бы смерть спала


The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive theoretical framework as well as practical strategies – not just for survival but for a true search for excellence in the uncertain and ever-changing world of customer service management.A The theoretical framework is based on the notion that customer service contains three key variables: a promise, a process, and people. After going through the step-by-step process of service management, the reader will have the necessary understanding and skill to choose the right strategy for the right circumstances, to design service processes, to identify the means and methods to implement these processes, and to measure the outcome.A A Key Features: Shares insight from CEO’s on how service leaders think, strategize, and apply tools of the trade to achieve their objectivesA Relates chapter content to real world challenges faced by corporations Includes a discussion on...

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