Sexual Function in the Prostate Cancer Patient (Current Clinical Urology)

Sexual Function in the Prostate Cancer Patient (Current Clinical Urology)
АСТ, Астрель, Дорлинг Киндерсли
Новые поступления - 2009 год


Sexual dysfunction presents a major challenge to physicians who take on the task of treating men with prostate cancer. While curing the disease and saving a life is paramount, improving technologies and therapies offer skilled surgeons and clinical oncologists the opportunity to eradicate the disease without compromising sexual function. In Sexual Function of the Prostate Cancer Patient, John Mulhall and a panel of internationally recognized experts on prostate cancer and sexual function assess in detail the current state of prostate cancer treatment. The authors offer a broad overview of the pathophysiology and treatment of erectile dysfunction in men with prostate cancer, reviewing the latest findings regarding erection-sparing radiation therapy and sexual function outcomes after laparascopic and robotic prostatectomy. Additional chapters discuss intra-operative maneuvers to minimize post-operative erectiledysfunction and pharmacologic penile preservation and rehabilitation. Timely...

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