Shopper, Buyer, and Consumer Behavior: Theory, Marketing Applications, and Public Policy

Shopper, Buyer, and Consumer Behavior: Theory, Marketing Applications, and Public Policy
Quimby Press
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


Калека, Постоянный пациент, Желтая маска, Неудачная мистификация, Роковая тайна


Consumerism at its best! This up-to-date text focuses on consumer shopping, buying and consumption behavior topics looking at both domestic and international theory and examples. It is divided into sections on marketing foundations, consumer decision making, psychological and sociological influences on consumer decision making, and special topics relating to public policy, organizational buying and conducting research. The principles presented have application in not-for-profit and for-profit settings. A series of relevant cases are also included.

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