Simian Virology

Simian Virology
Новые поступления академической литературы издательства Wiley


Simian Virology is the first text to comprehensively cover all currently known simian viruses. Chapters also provide an overview of nonhuman primate models of medically important viral diseases as well as natural infections of nonhuman primates with human and animal viruses. Beginning with introductory chapters on primate taxonomy, virology basics, and general properties of retroviruses and herpes viruses, Simian Virology proceeds to discuss all known simian viruses, from history and classification, to treatment and prevention. The text also covers a variety of topics including primate models of medically important viral diseases such as AIDS, hypotheses on the origins of epidemic forms of HIV, and viral diseases caused by non–simian viruses in both wild and captive primates. Simian Virology is a thoroughly researched text written by two of the leading experts in this field. This book will be a valuable reference tool for research virologists,...

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