Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design

Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design
Morgan Kaufmann


След истины, Стоит только захотеть, Мертвая трава, Похищение премьера, Шутки старых дядюшек, Кровь - не водица, Художества тетушки Мюриел, Чисто семейное дело, Чикагский расклад, Воздушная тревога, Львиное озеро, Шанс на выигрыш, Ведется расследование, Смерть репортера, Человек возвращается из прошлого, Миссия в Грауенштадт, Место встречи - Берн, Палач не ждет, Погоня, Материал не для печати, Рассказы, Полицейские и воры, Один против всех, Беги, негр, беги!, Дело воющей собаки, Плата за страх, Большие следы, Плата за страх, Сокровища Сьерра-Мадре, Лев


There is almost a fervor in the way that new products, with their rich and dynamic interfaces, are being released to the publictypically promising to make lives easier, solve the most difficult of problems, and maybe even make the world a better place. The reality is that few survive, much less deliver on their promise. The folly? An absence of design, and an over-reliance on technology alone as the solution. We need design. But design as described here depends on different skillsetseach essential, but on their own, none sufficient. In this rich ecology, designers are faced with new challengeschallenges that build on, rather than replace, existing skills and practice. Sketching User Experiences approaches design and design thinking as something distinct that needs to be better understoodby both designers and the people with whom they need to work in order to achieve success with new products and systems. So while the focus is on design, the approach is holistic. Hence, the...

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