Social Capital and Internet Usage of Rural Guatemalan Teachers

Social Capital and Internet Usage of Rural Guatemalan Teachers
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This qualitative study examined Internet usage by Guatemalan English teachers in the rural, indigenous community of San Lucas Toliman, to improve enrollments and persistence in online teacher professional development programs promoted by the Fundacion Rigoberta Menchu Tum in collaboration with the researcher. Woolcock’s concepts of bonding, bridging and linking social capital were united with Rogers’s theories of diffusion and perceived attributes to ascertain why only 5 of 34 teachers completed free online coursework. Principles of the Participatory Rural Appraisal were used to interview 20 of the teachersand to interpret outcomes in a community meeting. Findings included a high interest in engaging the Internet and concerns about work commitments, connectivity options, and family time demands. This study has positive social change implications by demonstrating how organizations can promote community-driven research collaborations to facilitate online teacher education in San Lucas...

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