Social Connectionism: A Reader and Handbook for Simulations

Social Connectionism: A Reader and Handbook for Simulations


След истины, Стоит только захотеть, Мертвая трава, Похищение премьера, Шутки старых дядюшек, Кровь - не водица, Художества тетушки Мюриел, Чисто семейное дело, Чикагский расклад, Воздушная тревога, Львиное озеро, Шанс на выигрыш, Ведется расследование, Смерть репортера, Человек возвращается из прошлого, Миссия в Грауенштадт, Место встречи - Берн, Палач не ждет, Погоня, Материал не для печати, Рассказы, Полицейские и воры, Один против всех, Беги, негр, беги!, Дело воющей собаки, Плата за страх, Большие следы, Плата за страх, Сокровища Сьерра-Мадре, Лев


Many of our thoughts and decisions occur without us being conscious of them taking place; connectionism attempts to reveal the internal hidden dynamics that drive the thoughts and actions of both individuals and groups. Connectionist modeling is a radically innovative approach to theorising in psychology, and more recently in the field of social psychology. The connectionist perspective interprets human cognition as a dynamic and adaptive system that learns from its own direct experiences or through indirect communication from others. "Social Connectionism" offers an overview of the most recent theoretical developments of connectionist models in social psychology. The volume is divided into four sections, beginning with an introduction and overview of social connectionism. This is followed by chapters on causal attribution, person and group impression formation, and attitudes. Each chapter is followed by simulation exercises that can be carried out using the FIT simulation...

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