Some Results on the Analysis of a Climax Population Model

Some Results on the Analysis of a Climax Population Model
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A difference equation model of a single climax species with two age classes (juvenile and adult) is studied. In a single species climax population model with no age structure, high population densities lead to extinction. Studies of discrete-time models of climax species with age structure is developing in the literature. In this monograph, it is shown that age structure makes it possible for a density that has extinction as its ultimate life history to have persistence as its ultimate fate with juvenile- adult competition. This suggests that juvenile-adult competition may be critical to species survival. Finally, the results of the analysis are also applied to popluation data of the purse-seine anchovy fish, Engraluis capensis, that is located off the West Cape coast of South Africa. While the phenonmena of intraspecific competition and age structure are not newly observed phenonmena, the study of this phenomena in climax models is developing.

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