Spectrum Coordination Protocols and Algorithms for Wireless Networks

Spectrum Coordination Protocols and Algorithms for Wireless Networks
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This book is targeting at audience who has basic wireless communication background and would like to learn more about spectrum coordination problems in cognitive radio networks. This book focuses on the problem of efficiently sharing spectrum resources in wireless networks through the use of appropriate spectrum etiquette protocols and related coordination algorithms. The performance of the proposed class of spectrum etiquette protocols is evaluated in various wireless network scenarios and compared with simpler reactive interference avoidance schemes. After validating its utility for coordination between existing wireless standards (such as IEEE 802.11/WiFi, Bluetooth, and 802.16/WiMax), the spectrum etiquette protocol is extended to serve as the foundation for a more complete adaptive wireless network where radio nodes may cooperate by forming or joining autonomous ad hoc clusters with multi-hop routing. A cognitive radio protocol stack is proposed for this scenario. Validation...

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