Structure as Architecture: A Source Book for Architects and Structural Engineers

Structure as Architecture: A Source Book for Architects and Structural Engineers
Phaidon Press
Новые поступления. Архитектура


Баллада о солдате, крадущем шинели, Весна в белой мечети, Волшебник изумрудного города, Габу-чеканщик, Гости, Дима, Калашников, Кикеро, Командир полка, Майевтика, или три разговора о войне, прогрессе и типа того, Метан, Несгибаемая рота, Ночь Ивана Купала, Пан та собака, Плевое дело, Пол Партии, Служение рядового Сергиенко, Халява, Чапаев и Мы, Чепэнапэхэдэ, Солдат Шумякин


Structure As Architecture provides readers with an accessible insight into the relationship between structure and architecture, focusing on the design principles that relate to both fields. Over one hundred case studies of contemporary buildings from countries across the globe including the UK, the US, France, Germany, Spain, Hong Kong and Australia are interspersed throughout the book. The author has visited and photographed each of these examples and analyzed them to show how structure plays a significant architectural role, as well as bearing loads. This is a highly illustrated sourcebook, providing a new insight into the role of structure, and discussing the point where the technical and the aesthetic meet to create the discipline of architecture. * Presents a comprehensive analysis of how building structure contributes to architecture * Connects architectural design ideas and structure in the context of contemporary architecture, materials and structure * Highly...

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