Stuck in the Shallow End: Education, Race, and Computing

Stuck in the Shallow End: Education, Race, and Computing
ОГИ (Объединенное Гуманитарное Издательство)


Приключения Тома Сойера, Приключения Гекльберри Финна, Зверобой, Последний из могикан, Всадник без головы, Жизнь у индейцев, Оцеола - вождь семинолов


The number of African Americans and Latino/as receiving undergraduate and advanced degrees in computer science is disproportionately low, according to recent surveys. And relatively few African American and Latino/a high school students receive the kind of institutional encouragement, educational opportunities, and preparation needed for them to choose computer science as a field of study and profession. In Stuck in the Shallow End, Jane Margolis looks at the daily experiences of students and teachers in three Los Angeles public high schools: an overcrowded urban high school, a math and science magnet school, and a well-funded school in an affluent neighborhood. She finds an insidious "virtual segregation" that maintains inequality. Two of the three schools studied offer only low-level, how-to (keyboarding, cutting and pasting) introductory computing classes. The third and wealthiest school offers advanced courses, but very few students of color enroll in them. The race gap in...

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