Sub-threshold Design for Ultra Low-Power Systems (Series on Integrated Circuits and Systems)

Sub-threshold Design for Ultra Low-Power Systems (Series on Integrated Circuits and Systems)
Cisco Press
Новинки Интеллекта


Парадоски, Провенансы, Куклы, Конспекты по Мерабу, Из летних записей, Танго, День рождения, Раздоры, Истрия, Рыбки-прилипалы, Невстреча, Мне снился сон, Таксистка, Песнь натурщицы, Спор суфиев, Вуду, Вместо интервью, Профессионалы, Главный герой, Колыбельная, Реквием, Карамзиндеревенский дневник, Гордневник


The topic of sub-threshold VLSI has been discussed since the 1970’s when the minimum supply voltage was theorized based on various sub-threshold models. It has been used in simple designs, such as watches and hearing aids. In new and upcoming wireless applications, such as distributed microsensors or medical applications, minimizing energy dissipation is the primary concern and has motivated investigation of the optimum design for minimizing energy dissipation or power for a given performance constraint. Sub-threshold circuits are ideal for this class of applications, thus making sub-threshold VLSI a realistic solution. This book combines the research of two MIT graduate students, which has spawned an exciting new field of research into sub-threshold circuit and system design. The work includes the research of Alice Wang who designed the first 180mV sub-threshold processor that minimizes energy dissipation and Benton Calhoun who has worked on modeling the optimum...

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