Surveying and Setting Out Technology in Construction

Surveying and Setting Out Technology in Construction
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Surveying as defined by the dictionary, is taking a general view of, looking at as a whole; examining the condition and value of, inspecting and assessing; measuring the extent and features of an area of land by trigonometry or determining by measurement the boundaries, size and position of an area of land’. To analyse and evaluate the way in which the construction industry has improved due to surveying instruments, in terms of increased productivity and greater degree of accuracy. One of the key forces in modern construction is todevelop a technologically advanced and competitive construction industry which is able to deliver high quality buildings and infrastructure. So how important is surveying and setting equipment in the modern construction industry in helping to increase productivity by cutting costs, reducing time and increasing the quality of the work? The results and findings in this book should help shed some light on surveying technology and should be especially useful to...

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