Sustainable Development in Small Island Developing States: Issues and Challenges (Economic Paper Series)

Sustainable Development in Small Island Developing States: Issues and Challenges (Economic Paper Series)
Медный Всадник, П-2
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


Книга 1, Italian Style, Книга 2, Italian Hot Spots, Книга 3, Italian Cuisine


About one fifth of all politically independent countries are small island developing states. For these countries, sustainable development is not a matter of choice, it is imperative. Highly vulnerable due to their size and isolation, small states have had to pursue development paths that are economically, environmentally and socially sustainable. They also face particularly stark impacts from climate change. This book details experiences and lessons from small island developing states in their efforts to balance environment and development needs, and getting these to work in harmony. Above all the message of this book is that this process still has some way to go, but we have learned valuable lessons that will help to support integrated and participatory planning for sustainable development in the future. In five chapters the expert contributors discuss: existing national sustainable development strategies; Papua New Guinea’s experience in implementing sustainable development; the...

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