The Ag Boys

The Ag Boys
Новые поступления. Искусство и фотография


Колобок, Теремок, Курочка Ряба, Зайкина избушка, Лиса и волк, Маша и медведь, Глупый мышонок, Баба-Яга, Зимовье зверей, Бобовое зернышко, Овца, лиса и волк, Кот-воевода, Вершки и корешки, Морозко, Царевна Несмеяна, Волшебное кольцо, Иван Царевич и серый волк, Федот-стрелец, Летучий корабль, Солдат и змей


An unforgettable look at an obscure part of the deep south just before the dawning of the Civil Rights movement and the turbulent 1960s would forever change it forever. A unique blend of humor, pathos, and bitter reality throws a harsh and revealing light on this this strange time and the people who were a part of it. Examine a place where the past is never past, and history hangs over the hot dirt roads and swamps like a morning mist. Examine a now forgotten world where men could die over a load of wet cotton, a cock fight, a fence line, a missing hog, or a romantic promise not kept. A place where the past lies like a rattlesnake under a bush waiting to strike. A world where little boys had hookworms and old black men sold Bolita. A world where a dream book could tell the future and a root doctor could cure an illness or fix a romance gone bad. It is a strange and mysterious world, full of fear and superstitions, strange people and strange customs. It is a world where black...

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