The Close-Knit Circle: American Knitters Today

The Close-Knit Circle: American Knitters Today
Praeger Publishers
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Мальчик и рысь, Бинго, Чинк, Вулли, Жизнь серого медведя, Буйный и Колючая Холка, Мустанг-иноходец, Красношейка, Серебряное пятнышко, Лобо, По следам оленя


Knitting has recently exploded in popularity. Professionals, punks, and feminists are embracing this ancient craft, an activity that was previously relegated to the realm of the "traditional" woman, the mother and homemaker. Books that cater to this new generation of knitters are flooding the market with patterns for such contemporary projects as iPod cozies, yoga mat bags, and laptop covers. The attitude of these publications is decidedly hip, featuring models sporting tattoos or piercings. Missing from the avalanche of knitting books, until now, is one that fully explores the subculture of knitting. Who are these people? Why knitting, why now? Intrepid journalist and avid knitter Kerry Wills set out to find out. She takes us on a fascinating tour through the history of knitting, exploring the lives of such women as the revolutionary Elizabeth Zimmermann, whose strong opinions and classic book, Knitting without Tears, popularized knitting in the 1970s, anticipating current trends....

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