The Complete Book of Bookbinding

The Complete Book of Bookbinding
Lark Books
Переплетное дело и книги


Не позвать ли нам Дживса?, На выручку юному Гасси, Триумфальный дебют Корки, Лодырь Рокки и его тетушка, Командует парадом Дживс, Спасаем Фредди, Дживс и незваный гость, Дживс и "порядочная жила", Берти меняет точку зрения, Поразительное происшествие со стариной Биффи, Горой за Бинго, Без права замены, Дживс готовит омлет, Дживс и скользкий тип, Примечания


Students, teachers, fine arts professionals, crafts aficionados, art historians, restorers, and bibliophiles: the list of people who will appreciate the beauty of this extraordinary summary of bookbinding techniques is endless. Written by a professor of bookbinding at the Escola d’Arts i Oficis in Barcelona, it provides a precise, systematic, and fully illustrated approach to the craft. Everything is covered in marvelous detail: tools and materials, the parts of the book and the binding, and protective features. Handsome ideas for decorating the cover (stamping, gilding, engraving) abound, as do suggestions for restoration. Eight specific and extremely detailed projects for binding form the heart of the volume, which includes binding in fabric, making a jacket with flaps for graphic works, and constructing a leather-trimmed slipcase.

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