The Credit Crunch: Housing Bubbles,Globalisation and the Worldwide Economic Crisis

The Credit Crunch: Housing Bubbles,Globalisation and the Worldwide Economic Crisis
Логос-М, Дом Славянской Книги
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В добрый час!, Вечно живые, В поисках радости, Страница жизни, В день свадьбы, С вечера до полудня, Гнездо глухаря, Традиционный сбор


"Graham Turner is one of only a handful of economists to understand the roots of the current financial crisis, its implications for all of us and crucially what should be done now. I strongly recommend you read this book."---Larry Elliott, Guardian"A timely analysis of the pressures on world money markets and the fundamental weaknesses in the global financial system. Graham Turner is a clear and independent voice in a confused and noisy world."---Hamish McRae, Independent"Graham Turner is a sharp observer of developments in the financial markets and was way ahead of the pack in warning about the risks of the American credit boom. Here, he delves deep into the origins of the credit crunch, laying the blame not just with Wall Street, but with the inevitable consequences of unfettered globalization."---Heather Stewart, ObserverThis book argues that the current financial turmoil signals a crisis in globalization that will directly challenge the free market economic model. Graham Turner...

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