The Electromagnetic Scattering from Bodies of Revolution

The Electromagnetic Scattering from Bodies of Revolution
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There have been many studies carried out about many structures in the field of electromagnetic waves. The scattering problem for electromagnetic waves by perfect conducting bodies of revolution is vital for many researchers and scientists. The method of moment is used to solve the problem of scattering by a three dimensional body of revolution. Wilcox derived the radiation boundary condition which is applied to truncate the partial differential equation (PDE) mesh. A general electromagnetic can be defined as: when electromagnetic waves are incident on a scattered, it produces currents in the surface. These currents radiate and produce the scattered field. This problem can be solved in frequency domain or time domain by constructing integral equations for the current that is on the surface of the body and can be computed directly. In the second chapter, Method of Moment is used to solve the Electric Field Integral Equation. In the third and final chapter, the results and discussion...

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Автор: Leung Tsang
Год: 2000