The Final Energy Crisis Second Edition

The Final Energy Crisis Second Edition
Логос-М, Дом Славянской Книги
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


В добрый час!, Вечно живые, В поисках радости, Страница жизни, В день свадьбы, С вечера до полудня, Гнездо глухаря, Традиционный сбор


With oil reaching $100 a barrel in January 2008 and the U.S. facing challenges to dollar hegemony, few people would now deny that there is an energy crisis and that it is linked to economic uncertainty. However, the mainstream lacks a theory to explain this apparently sudden challenge to optimistic expectations of long-term economic growth and an end to world poverty. The Final Energy Crisis provides political explanations to fill that gap.The authors engage with depletion trends in oil, gas, coal, uranium, soil, and biodiversity. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, they study energy trends, prospects, assets, and liabilities in different political systems and regions, including the U.S., Venezuela, China, Africa, the ex-Soviet Union, North Korea, Japan, France, and Australia. Far from being a doom-laden work on peak oil, this book offers practical suggestions for readers keen to be part of the solution to resource depletion.This comprehensively updated edition includes 13 new...

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