The Forbidden Image: An Intellectual History of Iconoclasm

The Forbidden Image: An Intellectual History of Iconoclasm
Новые поступления. Искусство и фотография


Колобок, Теремок, Курочка Ряба, Зайкина избушка, Лиса и волк, Маша и медведь, Глупый мышонок, Баба-Яга, Зимовье зверей, Бобовое зернышко, Овца, лиса и волк, Кот-воевода, Вершки и корешки, Морозко, Царевна Несмеяна, Волшебное кольцо, Иван Царевич и серый волк, Федот-стрелец, Летучий корабль, Солдат и змей


Philosophers and theologians have long engaged in intense debate and introspection over the representation of the deity, its possibilities and its proscriptions. The Forbidden Image traces the dual strains of “iconophilia” and iconoclasm, the privileging and prohibition of religious images, over a span of two and a half millennia in the West.Alain Besancon’s work begins with a comprehensive examination of the status of the image in Greek, Judaic, Islamic, and Christian thought. The author then addresses arguments regarding the moral authority of the image in European Christianity from the medieval through the early modern periods. Besancon completes The Forbidden Image with an examination of how iconophilia and iconoclasm have been debated in the modern period. “Even the reader who has heard something of the Byzantine quarrels about images and their theological background will be surprised by a learned and convincing interpretation of the works of Mondrian, Kandinsky, and Malevich in...

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