The Future of Music : Manifesto for the Digital Music Revolution

The Future of Music : Manifesto for the Digital Music Revolution
Berklee Press
Музыка и бизнес


Причина: прикосновение, Подвал: ускользание, Дыхание: выбор, Холод: изоляция, Ребенок как ребенок


For the next generation of players and downloaders, a provocative scenario from a music industry think tank. From the Music Research Institute at Berklee College of Music comes a manifesto for the ongoing music revolution. Today, the record companies may be hurting but the music-making business is booming, using non-traditional digital methods and distribution models. This book explains why we got where we are and where we are heading. For the iPod, downloading market, this book will explain new ways of discovering music, new ways of acquiring it and how technology trends will make music "flow like water," benefiting the people who love music and make music.

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