The Issues Management Book: An Investment Opportunity in Panama

The Issues Management Book: An Investment Opportunity in Panama
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


The road ahead is a difficult one. Increasing competition both at home and abroad, continuing ideological and policy conflict, practical problems, and day to day difficulties of every kind and from every source place extraordinary demands and almost unbearable pressures on the conscientious executive of today. The business executive in the next decades of this century and beyond must demonstrate unprecedented leadership, leadership that combines disciplined intellect and faith in the highest ideals. The business manager in a free society truly belongs to the people. Without that highest and noblest dedication, our economic system, indeed, our richly blessed way of life, will require attention in too many ways. It was easy to see that this book was distilled from the thoughts and experiences, the hopes and fears, the strengths and weaknesses, and the skills or lack of skills of top executives throughout this land. The author was clearly sensitive to and conversant with the...

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