The Land System Of The New England Colonies

The Land System Of The New England Colonies
Kaplan Publishing
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The Land System Of The New England Colonies - By Melville Egleston - PREFATORY NOTE. - The following monograph was originally printed in the year 1880. Of the copies then issued some found their way at once into the larger public libraries, while others were placed in the hands of persons believed to be interested in the subject treated of. The number of these copies, however, all told, was quite small, and it was suggested some time ago by the cditor of this series of Johns Hopkins University Studies that the results of the writers investi- gations were not accessible to many to whom they might be useful, and that they were of sufficient interest to warrant their publication in the series named. The opportunity courteously obered by him of reaching in this manner a greater number of persons interested iu studies of the kind was gladly accepted, and the treatise is now reprinted, without any change whatever from the original form. . The author has deemed it important to make this...

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