The Magazine Sales Rep Directory

The Magazine Sales Rep Directory
Outskirts Press
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


As a startup magazine publisher, one of the most daunting challenges that you?ll confront will be the procurement of advertising revenue. Like Dracula, who is constantly on the prowl for a steady supply of blood, your publication will need to implement an effective strategy to insure a consistent flow of advertising dollars that will keep your magazine solvent, allow for further growth of your brand and maximize its overall profitability. In essence, advertising revenue is the life-force of your magazine. One of the ways that startup publishers can achieve their ad revenue objectives is by hiring the services of an independent magazine sales representative. Magazine sales representatives can literally jump start a new title and put it on the fast track to success. If you have a publication that is having problems getting advertisement or are about to launch a new title, a magazine sales rep may be the solution. The Magazine Sales Rep Directory is designed to not only serve as a...

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