The Masonic Presence in Contemporary Art

The Masonic Presence in Contemporary Art
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This study examines the coexistence of traumatic themes and Masonic content in the work of contemporary visual artists. The project originated with a discovery of the depiction in my own artwork, produced in the context of a professional art career, of traces of terrifying early initiatory experiences in the context of a Masonic Lodge and using Masonic ritual and regalia. Recent research into cult practices has indicated the existence of the Masonic ritual abuse of children, based on the reports of a substantial number of survivors in western countries. Premised on this discovery, the study constitutes a feminist and interdisciplinary investigation into the impact of hidden fraternal initiation practices on the production of contemporary art. Case studies include the work of the American artists Matthew Barney, Paul McCarthy and Mark Ryden, and the Australian artist Ken Unsworth. Incorporating insights from trauma theory, scholarly discussions of initiation rites and ritual abuse,...

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