The New Regionalism in Western Europe: Territorial Restructuring and Political Change

The New Regionalism in Western Europe: Territorial Restructuring and Political Change
Edward Elgar Publishing
Рост и Развитие


In the 1990s, the states of Western Europe face twin challenges, from above in the shape of globalization and European integration, and from below in the form of new regionalist movements. In this authoritative book, Michael Keating traces the historical origins of regionalism, showing that territorial politics has always been a feature of the West European state. Then he analyses thepost-war model of territorial management in the Keynesian welfare state, and shows how current trends are re-shaping the meaning of political space and encouraging new forms of political mobilization and action. This new regionalism is no longer contained within the nation state so that regions must face the global market and an integrating Europe directly. Professor Keating argues that regionalism is a complex phenomenon, spanning culture, economics, politics and policy. It takes different forms in different settings, shaped by the imperatives of economic competition in a global age,...

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